100 STINTL 1144 Date and time actions 1145 Microsoft Outlook scheduling actions for data recognized as a date. 1146 Date 1147 Time 1148 Sh&ow my Calendar 1149 Microsoft Outlook is busy. Please close any open Outlook dialogs before using this action, or retry this action in a few moments. 1150 Show my Calendar 2144 Outlook e-mail recipients 2145 Recognizes names of people you have recently sent e-mail messages to. This is used in conjunction with actions supplied for person names. 2146 \Microsoft\Outlook\*.NK2 3144 Person name actions 3145 Smart tag actions for person names in your Microsoft Office documents, including Microsoft Outlook contact management. 3146 Person Name 3147 Address 3148 Phone 3149 Date 3150 Time 3151 Send &Mail 3152 Sc&hedule a Meeting 3153 O&pen Contact 3154 &Add to Contacts 3155 &Insert Address 3156 Microsoft Outlook could not find the requested contact. 3157 Microsoft Outlook is busy. Please close any open Outlook dialogs before using this action, or retry this action in a few moments. 3158 Microsoft Outlook could not be started or encountered an error. 4144 Map actions 4145 Smart tag actions for text recognized as places or addresses, including map and driving direction lookup. 4146 Smart tag actions for text recognized as addresses, including map and driving direction lookup. 4147 Place 4148 Address 4149 Display &Map 4150 Display &Driving Directions... 4151 http://%s/r/rlidSTMapURL?clid=%d& 4152 http://%s/r/rlidSTDriveURL?clid=%d& 5144 Stock ticker symbol actions 5145 Smart tag actions for text recognized as stock or fund symbols, including Web links and the ability to insert data from the Web into Excel. 5146 Stock ticker 5147 Stock quote on MSN MoneyCentral 5148 Company report on MSN MoneyCentral 5149 Recent news on MSN MoneyCentral 5150 Insert refreshable stock price... 5151 The text you entered is not a valid reference or defined name. 5152 URL;http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/external/excel/quotes.asp?symbol= 5153 Cannot update the current sheet; it may be protected. 6144 Smart tag lists 6145 Smart tag actions and recognizers specified in list description files. 6146 Trie file open error.